Rabu, 27 Agustus 2014

Communication and Problem Solving #SIAS

Communication and Problem Solving
Li-Ming Liang/ Carter
8 Juli 2014

Communication is common, through facial expression and screaming, noises, cave painting, speakable language, symbols, and characters. The components of communication is senders -  message – receiver (channel, noise, context).
Way of communication
a.       Visual (55%)
Eye contact, posture/ body language, gesture, facial expression
b.      Vocal (38%)
Variety, quality, rate, volume, pauses
c.       Verbal (7%)
Some obstacles in communication

1.      Filtering
Not all people can filter all the informations he gets, sometimes he accept all the information or he can not accept the main information. It because the ability of people or the communcation tools problem.
2.      Emotions
Emotions come together when we send our infor to other, if it is sad info, we will feel sad when delivering it.
3.      Information overload
Too much informations sent is one of the problem in communication. Too much informations makes us difficult to deserve them and filter them or totally we can not achieve the info.
4.      Defensiveness
5.      Language
Language is one of the tools to communicate with each others, especially for tribes, or as national identity.
6.      National culture
The way, attitude, volume, intonation or voices delivering something to other person sometimes influenced by the culture he owned, example in Indonesia, Medan culture is far different with Javanese people who more calm than Medan people.
How to overcome the problems above?
1.      Use feedback
2.      Simplify the language
3.      Listen actively
4.      Constrain emotions
5.      Watch non-verbal cues
Communication skills
1.      Facing the speaker or eye contact
2.      Attention to the content
3.      Encouraging ---
4.      Avoid emotions
5.      Empathy and friendly

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