Rabu, 27 Agustus 2014

Communication and Problem Solving #SIAS

Communication and Problem Solving
Li-Ming Liang/ Carter
8 Juli 2014

Communication is common, through facial expression and screaming, noises, cave painting, speakable language, symbols, and characters. The components of communication is senders -  message – receiver (channel, noise, context).
Way of communication
a.       Visual (55%)
Eye contact, posture/ body language, gesture, facial expression
b.      Vocal (38%)
Variety, quality, rate, volume, pauses
c.       Verbal (7%)
Some obstacles in communication

Cultural Diversity#SIAS

Cultural Diversity
Li Ming Liang/ Carter
9 Juli 2014

Culture introduction of China
There are many tradition or customs in China for way of deliver the message for one to another. Taking our gust to come to the dinner is one of the way of communication in China, example for business purpose or friend party.
Now we will talk about the differences of west and east lifestyle.

Leadership #SIAS

8 Juli 2014
 Steven Sunmer
California, USA

People who will give a leadreship power for you although we do not want. Leadership is not management. Management is direct the people (manager), number management, complexity, and order & consistency. Leadership is people gathering, changing, start doing something together, motivate others, and move the people.
Three examples of leadership style
1.      Charismatic
a.       Good in inspiring people because his vision, capability
b.      Using personal power
c.       People give you power
d.      Good looking
e.       Well talking/ speaking


Cathy Adams
9 Juli 2014

Here the question that you have to answer.
1.      Who do my parents say I am?
2.      What kind of leader will you be?
3.      Looking glass self
4.      What has my social context been?